Integrated Analysis of Choke Performance and Flow Behaviour in High-Rate, Deviated Gas-Condensate Wells


1 IOR Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

3 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum,Gas and Petrochemical Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


 Understanding the flow behaviour in a
gas well is crucial for future production strategies, obtaining bottomhole
conditions from wellhead production data, analyzing production data and
estimating reservoir properties. In this work, the pressure profile and flow
regime are studied on four wells of a multi-well, multi-layer gas-condensate
reservoir, producing at high rate. The wells are deviated and cased-holes, with
the gas flowing through tubing to the wellhead. Here, a comprehensive quality
assessment of data is presented. An algorithm is proposed to model wellhead
chokes and determine production rates of individual wells from overall,
commingled daily flow rates. The pressure profile and flow regime were
determined in each well through back-calculation and nodal analysis. The
bottomhole pressure is predicted. The best correlations are selected by
comparing the model results with reported production logging tool (PLT) data.
The rates of produced condensate and water (equivalent to gas) and their PVT
properties, e.g. API of condensate, had little impact on choke calculations,
which is due to high flow rate gas. The flow is shown to be gas-like at the
bottom, which turns to mist flow near the wellhead. Liquid holdup is subject to
the wellhead pressure and well flow rate. It decreases with an increase in
wellhead pressure and gas flow rate. The findings here can be extended to other
wells in the same reservoir, which can introduce guidelines for gas-condensate
well modeling.   


Main Subjects